Cultural Heritage Centre For Asia And The Pacific Seminar Series

Heritage as Cultural Politics in Times of Transition: Melbourne and Hanoi’



Professor Logan was the inaugural Director of CHCAP in 2002 and oversaw its development into one of the most vibrant and highly regarded research centres in the region. A cultural geographer, he has been recognised nationally and internationally for his contributions to the development of heritage studies, particularly for his contribution to our understanding of heritage issues both in Australia and in Vietnam. In both countries, the relationship of heritage to modernity and its place in contexts of rapid urban transformation have been key issues. His contribution to the disciplines of cultural heritage and geography were recognised by the Australia Academy of Social Sciences last year when he became one of its members. This public lecture provides a fascinating overview of Bill’s insights into changing approaches to heritage conservation over the last three decades, as well as Bill’s thoughts on future directions of both heritage conservation and heritage studies.