Tyson's Fitness Tips

Episode #56 - Sal Di Stefano:



When it comes to losing weight there is more to it than the newest fad diets. You can follow any type of “eating plan” and manage to lose weight from it, but the key here is to make it long-term and sustainable. How many people do you know (or maybe you’ve experienced this yourself) who have lost a whole lot of weight but have put it all back on. What’s important isn’t actually what diet your follow, it’s becoming aware of how much you’re eating and what you’re putting into your body on a daily basis. The more you become aware of how much food you’re eating and how it makes you feel, the better connection you’re going to have to your body and understand how certain foods make you feel.   When you look back at our primal days, we didn’t have an abundance to all the sugar salt and fatty foods that are available today and when you think about “listening to your body” it’s very hard to tell what you actually want to be eating because you’ve been trained to want bad foods.     On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Ti