Ramble Ramble

EPISODE 32: #LGBTQ Nuances, #Transgender Kids, and Marie gets Jealous!



This week on #RambleRamble we discuss LGBTQ nuances, how Kim Jong-Un is clearly up to no good, and Marie gets JEALOUS of Janelle Monae's supposed girlfriend while fantasizing about one night with Queen Latifah. ******************************************* . . . ------ Reference Links: 1. https://www.bet.com/style/2017/01/20/charlize-theron_s-son-is-transitioning.html 2. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/asia-pacific/n-korean-leader-kim-jong-un-attends-peace-pop-concert-1.3447344 3. https://www.wikihow.com/Transition-from-a-Female-to-a-Male-(Transgender) ------ . . . Follow us on Twitter @RambleRamblePod and write to us at RambleRambleShow@Gmail.com