
Dealing with Technology – April 2, 2018



We are surrounded by computers…at the bank, at work, at home, in our cars, on airplanes, and even on our wrists. They are ubiquitous. We use them to vote and run our democracy, to figure our taxes, how long it takes to get to grandma’s, how much money we have in the bank, to communicate with our family, and to tell us how many steps we’ve taken and how much weight we’ve gained. So what happens when computers get hacked by thieves or Russians? On today’s Perspective program, one expert takes a look at the technology around us, and whether or not we are keeping it safe. Guest: Brian McClendon, former vice president of engineering at Google and co-founder of the startup that became Google Earth. Perspective is a weekly public affairs program hosted by Richard Baker, communications professor at Kansas State University. Perspective has been continuously produced for radio stations across the nation by K-State for well over six decades. The program has included interviews with dignitaries, authors and thought leade