Drive-in Saturdays

45 -- International Wonder Women's Day



Most of you are probably familiar with Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman, at least by reputation even if you haven't seen her show. But did you know that there was a completely different Wonder Woman movie/TV show pilot that aired just one year earlier? Join us as we compare these two Wonders Woman; meet our new favourite character, Angela; get ourselves into a bit of a continuity pickle trying to talk about Wonder Woman's character history; consider the possibility that Diana hooked up with the wrong Steve; shop for jackets; and discuss the problems many writers have with Wonder Woman's supporting cast. Note: We recorded this episode like a day or two before it was announced that Cheetah would, in fact, be in the upcoming Wonder Woman 2. Menu:   A full Mediterranean-style buffet, especially stuffed grape leaves. Music: - Drive In Saturdays, David Bowie - Donkey Riding, Great Big Sea - Wonder Woman Theme, The New South Bay Orchestra, - Titanium, David Guetta ft. Sia - I Am Woman, Helen Reddy