Tyson's Fitness Tips

Episode #52 - Becoming Metabolically Flexible With Mike Nelson



When it comes to losing weight there is more to it than the newest fad diets. Recently diets such as Keto have come into the spotlight and have been deemed the “fat burning” diet that’s designed to help you lose faster than any other diet, this is not true. What’s important isn’t actually what diet your follow, it’s the amount of calories you’re eating durng the day and also how metabolically flexible your body is. You should be able to use carbohydrates when you need them and then be able to transition into burning fat when you do need to.   When you look back at our primal days, our ancestors would have had to become very good at using fat AND carbs as a fuel source when needed. Sometimes they wouldn’t have access to food for days which means that they would have to use fat as fuel.   When they found berries or honey they would then gorge themselves on that food and then use that source of carbohydrates as their fuel source. On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips we are is joined by an expert in nutrition