Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

From "Wanting" to "BEING"



Dr. Janette Freeman shares from the Sunday morning Live Show a discourse on how to change your energy to have a change in your life.  When desiring, many times the energy is actually the fear based 'wanting,' which pushes away your good rather than attracting it.  Learn how to go to the energy of BEING by connecting to your Higher Self and living from the having and being that is associated with being centered in your true Self.  In addition there is a HYPNO PROCESS,  a guided meditation to take you directly to your Higher Self, infuse the connection and download the qualities of Being that you desire, such as joy, abundance, happiness, connection, love, creativity,   Register Here online to join the show live Sunday mornings at 9:00 am PST.www.janettefreeman.comDONATE TO THE SHOW tax deductible donation.