Ihemp Revolution

PureHemp Bio-Refineries



Carl Lehrburger is an environmental activist, renewable energy entrepreneur, researcher and author. Carl has a vision of creating the technology to advance a cleaner and greener world.  In 1992 he co-founded PureVision Technology along with his brother Ed Lehrburger and Richard Wingerson. They lead the Colorado-based enterprise commercializing an advanced renewable technology.  PureVision Technology is a bio-refining, R&D company, developing and licensing technology packages for the lowest cost production of sugars, lignin and pulp from diverse non-food bio-mass, to industries that manufacture bio-based products. PureHemp Technology, has exclusive, global bio-refining technology and marketing rights to produce hemp-based raw materials and products. PureHemp bio-refineries produce the intermediate products and chemical building blocks for industrial products, they will: 1. Convert industrial hemp into sugars, lignin, pulp and hemp-based products. 2. Promote sustainable agriculture and new opportunities