Grow Your Money: The Rhodes Society

Nothing Happens Until Someone Saves



Do you save?  We save a lot.  Hi, I am doctor Scott Brown and welcome back to this podcast designed to help you get the most out of your money. I am coming to you right now from the cutting-edge Rhodes Society club that fosters your x-ray vision of the investment markets.  Let’s explore the next vital concept.  The essential importance of systematically saving.  In the communist ten-point system money can’t be lent to entrepreneurs. New ideas are not brought to the market.  Product development is retarded.   Consumers suffer. Karl Marx placed no value on waiting or risk-taking.  Waiting delays pleasure. And he was the quintessential hedonist. In a capitalist society interest is the cost of doing business.  But how is this waiting for money? John Maynard Keynes, also of Cambridge fame, explains how household savings are deposited in banks.  Banks then make corporate loans. In this light interest paid the bank, that the bank then shares with the depositor, is the cost of doing business for commercial borrowers.