That Hashtag Show: The Podcast

Catching Some Rays Ep. 12 | Power Rangers Dino Supercharge | Ranger Wrap Up



Joe and DJ review Episode 12 of Power Rangers Dino Super Charge, Catching Some Rays! They also discuss their favorite Ranger/ Mentor - Relative relationships. Also, stick around until the end as they read your questions and comments. Leisure, a monster sealed by Koda's Grandfather is released into the world, making all humans lazy. Now Koda and Kendall have to stop her before her twin brother Loafer can steal the Energems. Brennan Mejia - Tyler Navarro Camille Hyde - Shelby Watkins Yoshi Sudarso - Koda Michael Taber - Riley Griffin James Davies - Chase Randall Davi Santos - Sir Ivan of Zandar Claire Blackwelder - Kendall Morgan Ryan Carter - Heckyl Richard Simpson - Keeper Paul Harrop - Fury (voice) Estevez Gillespie - Wrench, Curio (voices) Jackie Clarke - Poisandra (voice) Campbell Cooley - Mecha Voice (voice) Mark Wright - Doomwing (voice) Penny Ashton - Leisure (voice) Aaron Ward - Loafer (voice) Ilona Rodgers - Grandma Betty Adam Gardiner - Reporter Subscribe to our channel to keep up to date with everyt