That Hashtag Show: The Podcast

Ep. 13 Recipe For Disaster | Power Rangers Dino Supercharge | The Ranger Wrap Up



This week, Joe & DJ are joined by Steven, from the YouTube channel Hyperdrive Pics ( They discuss the latest Power Rangers Movie and TV Show news! The Wrap Up gives there feelings on the new Posters and Zords that were revealed from the Lionsgate Film. Also, break down what the casting of Bill Hader means as Alpha 5 in the film. If you're going to NYCC they fill you on the must see things Rangers related and talk about some new collectibles hitting the shelves soon. They also review this weeks episode, Recipe For Disaster. Chase is determined to master a dessert recipe from New Zealand, when a food critic visits the Dino Bite Café. Meanwhile, an evil monster comes to earth to find the Energems and takes control of the Zords and Megazords. Steven also counts down his favorite Zord formations and they answer your questions and comments! Subscribe to our channel to keep up to date with everything trending in geek pop-culture! -Check us out on the web at http://www.tha