
Unpolished 12: Belonging to Yourself



What does it mean to truly belong to yourself? This episode focuses on the core theme of Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown. Sarah shares a personal story of how she experienced this herself and discusses the interesting dance of sharing opinions on social media. When you can stand in your truth no matter what anyone else thinks, there’s a ripple effect of how grounded and powerful this can make you feel. Giving yourself permission to be who you are looks different when your mind vs. your heart internalizes this. Stacy shares her challenges switching between different personas in her life and how frustrating it can be to witness people following along with cultural ideals they don’t believe in but just do it because everyone else does. We discuss how it’s important to be conscious of how our decisions affect us—sometimes it’s not worth being in the wilderness for something. But we do have to find a way to be willing to stand alone and also setting firm boundaries for what works for us. Braving the Wi