Apres Culture

Episode 37: Rainbow Rowell and Fanfiction over Tequila Sunrises and a Scary Rainbow Cocktail



This week we’re talking fanfiction, with our girl Rainbow Rowell’s two novels Fangirl and Carry On, plus a freewheeling discussion of how fanfiction has touched our lives and shaped our culture with special guests April Maguire and Lillian Diaz-Przybyl. Whether you’re a fanfic newby (Kasey), a ship wars veteran (April and Lilian), or somewhere in between (Sara Ann), we’ve got you covered. Pull up a chair and prepare to defend your ship—it’s time for Après Culture. Tipple of the Week Tequila Sunrise: Fill a highball (tall) glass with ice and pour in 1 ½ oz tequila and 4 oz orange juice. Float a dash of grenadine over the top (meaning, hold a spoon upside down over the glass so it touches the side, and drizzle the grenadine slowly onto the spoon and down the side of the glass; this gives you the beautiful ombre look from red to orange in the finished cocktail). Garnish with an orange slice and/or cherry as desired and enjoy. Link to the more adventurous rainbow cocktail Kasey tried here: https://tipsybartend