Project Camino

3 Ladies Final Interview



These Three Peregrina's are from different parts of the world, but they all have that common bond of sharing, giving and pilgrim spirit. They share their Camino experiences from the Blue Mountains in Australia. Margaret Bouttell In 2013 Margaret Bouttell and her husband, Rowan, cycled the Camino Frances, 1000km from St Jean Pied de Port to Finesterre.  Starting off treating the Camino as a cycle-tour adventure, they soon realised it was more than that and it became a pilgrimage of the heart and mind. At Burgos, they mailed their tent and camping gear to the UK, and stayed in albergue’s instead. The communal spirit and sense of safety and belonging found in albergue’s struck a cord. Returning to Australia, Margaret & Rowan, purchased a 100 year old guesthouse in the scenic Blue Mountains called Glenella.  Whilst running the B&B, they converted a derelict part of the building into shared communal “albergue” style accommodation. They run their guesthouse with warm hospitality and welcome everyone to make