So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

134: How To Enhance Your eBay Store Visibility - Laura Wojewoda



Laura is a stay at home mom of 2 kids ages 5 and 1. She used to work in the banking industry and left her job when she had her youngest. She has been doing eBay for 7 years but full-time for only a year-and-a-half. Interesting Notes Laura had a complication during her pregnancy with her youngest. The complication rendered her incapable of corporate work for six months. So, she then sells on eBay. She builds up her eBay business before she fully left her corporate job. She started selling things from around their house. Then she went to thrifting for fun and started with a couple of things. She saw that she made more money from it and got hooked. Now, she sources most of her items from thrift stores. Whenever her daughter goes with her, her daughter finds more stuff in the thrift stores than she can. Laura does not like clutter. When she shops, she does not go to the thrift stores that are cluttered. On her eBay store, she tries to keep everything organized as possible. She makes sure that her customers are