
Unpolished 11: The Inspiration Tribe



Have you ever had the experience of your soul nodding “heck yes!”? That feeling is what this conversation is all about. Sarah shares an update on her experience hosting a recent workshop and how she did NOT have a vulnerability hangover this time. Her experience was radically different because she felt more confident in her authenticity and was coming from a place of giving the gifts she could give instead of from the need to perform. We talk about how shifting our mindset can take the pressure off and when looking for external validation can sometimes be a useful thing. The bulk of the conversation stems from the difference between following people who inspire us vs. people we admire and the importance of filling our lives with things that resonate with who we are and the person we want to be. For us, Brene Brown and Brooke Castillo are examples of who we have on repeat on the soundtrack of our lives. And we want to know who’s on yours! After listening to this episode, come join our growing community on