Leading Liberty

Building a Campaign Narrative with Larry Sharpe for NY’s Phil Ricci



Who are you, what do you stand for, and why should anybody care? We get asked a lot on Leading Liberty about how to get more Facebook followers and media hits and donors, and all those things are great —- but at the end of the day, they’re a reflection of how relatable you are as an actual human being and how well you take the problems you’re passionate about and turn them into messages that matter to others. Your narrative is the foundation of your campaign, so before you spend another dime on outreach, check out today’s episode with Larry Sharpe’s senior adviser Phil Ricci on what questions you need to ask yourself about why you’re running — and what you need to do to get them answered in an actionable way. Mentioned in this episode: Join Team Sharpe as a Director of External Affairs — click here to apply. Episode 34: Tackling Tough Questions with NY Gubernatorial Candidate Larry Sharpe Episode 36: Maximizing Earned Media with Larry Sharpe for NY’s Lauren McKinnon Episode 32: How to Make Money by Raising It