Tyson's Fitness Tips

Epsiode #42 - James Swanwick: How To Hack Your Sleep And Burn More Fat



Sleep is often overlooked when we think about losing body fat, but in reality it plays such an essential role. When we get lack of sleep, we then tend to have more sugar cravings during the day because our body wants ‘quick’ energy to help keep us alert. Another problem with the lack of sleep is that it can cause our motivation to drop and this in turns to us not being able to make it to the gym.   I brought James on the show because I wanted him to share with you the importance of sleep and how you can start getting better quality sleep immediately to help you lose more body fat, increase your energy and libido and get you feeling your best.   On this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips we are joined by sleep expert and business onwer James Swanwick. Download this episode of Tyson’s Fitness Tips to see how you can take action to becoming the boss of your body today!   Bonus Tip: Sleep Hack Key Points How to eliminate external blue light. Why Sleep is so important. Simple sleep tips you can add into your life im