Life In Accounting - The Where Accountants Go Podcast

070: Internal Auditing- Taking A Closer Look with Amy Barrett, CPA



Is it possible to completely change careers and built a successful new career in accounting? What is the difference between working for a public accounting firm and the public-sector? What certifications are most desirable? In this episode of Life In Accounting: The Where Accountants Go podcast, Amy Barrett, CPA shares her expertise on these topics as well as her experiences transitioning from Macy’s to public accounting with Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) to the public-sector with the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Auditing in a Public Accounting Firm Public accounting and auditing allows you to learn about different industries and company performance styles. You can see what works well and what may need improvement. Amy focused on higher education while she was with Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) in the Boston office. She got her first experience with investment auditing there. She moved to Austin later and decided to leave public accounting at that point. Auditing with the Public Sector Amy accepted a posi