Real Estate Investing For Cash Flow Hosted By Kevin Bupp. The #1 Commercial Real Estate Investing Teaching You How To Create

Ep #96: Confessions of a Commercial Real Estate Investor – with Jim Randel



Our guest for this week’s show is Commercial Real estate investor and published author, Jim Randel. I first learned about Jim after reading his popular book many years ago titled “confessions of a real estate entrepreneur”. Like I do with a lot of the books on my book shelf, I often pick them up and scan them as somewhat of a reference manual and after re-reading Jim’s book a few months back I thought that he’d make a wonderful guest for our show. Jim has a broad range of investment experience and has been involved in just about every type of real estate investment. I think one of the most exciting things about this show today, is the fact that Jim had humble beginnings and got his start like most of us do by investing in single family homes before moving onto commercial real estate. So in today’s discussion, Jim will share with us his progression from single family investor all the way to commercial investor who at the time of this recording has more than $60 million dollars of active projects happening. H