Life's A Gamble Podcast

97: Debate Nic- Dan's $9.99 Lawsuit Against WWE, Rumble Recap, 1-31-2018



Nic joins Dan and Tony for a lively debate, almost entirely about wrestling. First Dan offers to include Nic on his small claims suit against the WWE for $9.99. They debate the rumble in general, which Nic generally enjoyed. Nic finds himself on opposite of Dan and Tony when it comes to and the idea of 200+ pound women having at each other in general. Listener contest: Guess the name of the newly hired 40ish year old black male cashier at Derby Lane. Send in your guess now. 1 guess per person. The contest will remain open at least until March 1st. Unspecified prize for the winner. Multiple winners allowed. Send guess to Send the guys in your questions to be answered live on the air: Stay fully up to date with the blog at Connect with the guys on twitter #lifesagamble727 Try and then buy Quickdog, greyhound racing software, at