Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

83-Year-Old Recalls Leaving Body, Tunnel Travel, Seeing Spiritual Being



In this week's episode, Robert shares the amazing experience he had over 40 years ago in which the details are still crystal clear. He tells us the manner in which he left his body, who he met outside his body, and the profound knowing he learned during his experience. I explain the difference between out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and near-death experiences (NDEs) and why Robert's story interestingly has indications of both. In discussing some of the hallmarks of OBEs and NDEs, I talk about the interesting role religion often plays and, finally, I explain the importance of the Akashic Records and how they assist in our spiritual growth. There's so much to gain from this week's episode, you don’t want to miss it! Thank you to all of you who've left Amazon reviews for both of my books, Answers About the Afterlife and my newest book, The Magic Mala. I'm so grateful for your feedback and the experiences you're having as a result of reading them. Please leave your comments for the show on, YouTub