Ian Scott Voice Talent

Podcast Demo



Ian Scott is a Voice Actor based in the North West of England. An experienced talk show host for the highly successful podcast CONVERSATIONS WITH COACH IAN SCOTT. Guests on the talk show included: Kelly Perdew, Winner of The Apprentice USA Season 2, and author of TAKE COMMAND: 10 Leadership Principles I Was Taught in the Military and Put to Work for Donald Trump; Lucy Cohen, Winner of the BBC TV business show The Last Millionaire; Monique Caradine, Talk Show Host on “Perspective”, and owner of Momentum Media Group Inc; Bob Burg, author of Endless Referrals, Winning Without Intimidation, and co-author with John David Mann of The Go-Giver and Go-Givers Sell More; Dr Tony Alessandra author of The Platinum Rule; Jim Cathcart Professional Speaker and author of The Acorn Principle; Tee Morris, author of All A Twitter, Podcasting for Dummies, Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies; Andy Kaufmann, author Navigating The Winds of Change - Staying on Course in Business and in Life, and many others from social media experts to reality TV personalities. Now available for voice overs(but not limited to) #audiobooks #e-learning #podcasts #commercials #explainer #videos #telephone #IVR #documentaries #whiteboard To check availability, send me a message ianscottvo@gmail.com Take a listen to my demo samples to hear if my voice might be a perfect fit for your next project. - The voice with a reassuring tone, and tinges of a young Melvyn Bragg.