Planted Video Podcast

Planted: Season 1, Episode 5



This is the audio version of the Planted Video Podcast. The videos are available on our app, our YouTube channel at and online at

The heart behind the "Planted" Video Podcast is found in Psalm 1:1-3. Those verses explain how God's Word has the ability to restore and strengthen us. As we apply Gods wisdom and as we act on His promises in faith, we open up our lives and our homes to the powerful change that only God can bring. God spoke to Abraham and revealed that His will for all of the families of the earth is that they would be blessed and benefited. Now, through Jesus, a new blessed way of living is available that extends beyond Sunday morning to our marriages, our children, our health and our finances. The "Planted" Podcast exists to help families thrive and be all that God has said they can be!