So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

125: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Barbara Colson



Barbara has been selling on eBay for 6 years. She grew up with picking & sourcing in her blood. She loves selling vintage items and connecting people with pieces of their past but sells a little bit of everything. She runs a Facebook page for sellers that love vintage. Other than eBay she loves making quilts, singing and playing the piano. Interesting Notes Barbara is the Queen of Multi-Task. Her dad was a picker before there were pickers. He loved to go for a long drive and would always find a car part or an air-conditioner broken down on the side of the road. He would take it home, fix and sell it. Sometimes, he would keep it for somebody who would need the part. Barbara uses her iPhone in taking pictures of her items. Her husband does most of the picture taking for her. She and her husband work as a team. Her husband likes to go to thrift stores and garage sales. Barbara, who has a back problem, goes to Estate Sales. Unlike a thrift store, the Estate Sales,  always have a chair or a sofa or a bed whe