
Educational Change (PART 3) – December 4, 2017



Researchers refer to our brain capacity as mental “bandwidth – which is simply the amount of available cognitive resources. Scarcity can result from a number if things, such as poverty, racism, and social-psychological underminers like homophobia, stereotype threat, belongingness uncertainty, and micro-aggressions. On today’s Perspective program the conclusion of a three-part series examining issues affecting education in the United States. Today’s program deals with the educational impacts of living in economic insecurity and/or being a member of a non-majority group. Guest: Dr. Cia Versheldon, executive director of Institutional Assessment at the University of Central Oklahoma. As a faculty member at Kansas State University, Versheldon taught social work and women’s studies. Perspective is a weekly public affairs program hosted by Richard Baker, communications professor at Kansas State University. Perspective has been continuously produced for radio stations across the nation by K-State for well over six de