
Education Change – (Part 1) – November 20, 2017



Americans like to think the education we provide is the best, but concern is growing over just how good it really is. One educational researcher says her experience leads her to believe that most educational systems around the world have more in common than one would think. Today’s Perspective program is the first in a three-part series examining such things as the changing value of education, problems on university campuses, brain bandwidth, and just what those issues might point to for the future. Guest: Cathy Rubin, author, journalist, editor and founder of C-M-Rubin-World, an online publishing company focused on education, entertainment and lifestyle. Perspective is a weekly public affairs program hosted by Richard Baker, communications professor at Kansas State University. Perspective has been continuously produced for radio stations across the nation by K-State for well over six decades. The program has included interviews with dignitaries, authors and thought leaders from around the world. Send comment