Star Wars: Delusions Of Granular

39 - Lego Of My Yoda!



Ron and Jp stumble upon another Star Wars show on Disney XD called The Yoda Chronicles. "What is this?" we asked ourselves. Well it's one part Star Wars, one part Legos, one part parody and a whole lot of fun! This mashup is on par with the humor from last year's hit, The Lego Movie while taking place entirely in the Star Wars universe. Taking place primarily during the Prequel era but also bending and mixing in the Original Trilogy era, this series manages to tell new stories that are not only original but well thought out and work as an expansion to what we already know from the movies, albeit in a lighthearted way. While probably meant for kids, Delusions of Granular can't help but recommend this show to any Star Wars fan with a sense of humor and less than five hours to kill!