Star Wars: Delusions Of Granular

46 - Serial Cereal: The Fighting Devil Dogs



Jp and Ron go way back to 1938 for a look at one of the Saturday matinee serials that George Lucas saw when he was a kid. The Fighting Devil Dogs, a 12-episode series that had fighting Marines, crazy scientists, damsels in distress and a mad villain dressed all in black with a flowing cape and a full helmet that disguised his identity. Sound familiar? This bad guy was called The Lightening in this serial and some believe that he was the early inspiration for Darth Vader! Whether that is true or not remains to be proven, but there are so many other familiar pieces of this serial that it's hard not to believe that it didn't have some affect on a young George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. From Indiana Jones to Star Wars, this early serial had the seeds that would be planted in their heads years later.