Star Wars: Delusions Of Granular

179 - The Scarlet Letterer



Red Letter Media and it's character reviewer Mr. Plinkett made Internet history years ago by taking down the Prequels with their 70 minute review of The Phantom Menace. Since then, the fans have been at odds with each other about whether the Prequels are good or not. Many documentaries have been made on this subject, jokes across the Internet have gone on for years regarding the Prequels and even SWDOG has come down on one side of the argument (pro-Prequel). And now Mr. Plinkett is back, albeit 10 months late, with his review of The Force Awakens. A lot has happened during Red Letter Media's time away. For one, has gone on to prove that Lucas actually did know what he was doing when he made the three prequels. Plinkett goes on for quite a long time to prove that the ring theory is just that, a theory and Lucas was grasping for straws when he made the Prequels. All of this is a long way of saying that Jp is back to discuss (review the review?) Red Letter Media's newest video about the St