Toby Sucks At Podcasts - Audio




This is the eleventh episode of the Tobuscus podcast: TOBY SUCKS AT PODCASTS, starring Toby Turner (the man of the hour, the wham! bam! thank-you-ma’am! The crem de la crem, the Gryphon poop collector who is 100% making me write this and please help). This week Toby pulled a Harry Potter by holing up in a closet with his friend and former business associate, Rory Haines. If you've ever heard a British voice in a Tobuscus/TobyGames/TobyTurner video, then that voice is usually Rory's. After working with Toby for over a year, Rory became the CEO of Rory is an Englishman, a gentleman and apparently a scholar on English matters. Toby turns the tables on his old chum Rory, and quizzes him on just how English he really is. I took a quiz once, it was called “What Spice Girl Are You?” The results were inconclusive but I have an appointment next week with my doctor to get it all sorted out, or as Rory would say, "sorted". We get to hear about the time Gryphon was attacked by a mean, big, sca