Toby Sucks At Podcasts - Audio




STEVEN'S NOTES: Toby took a break to cure his rage because I corrupted another video, but now we’re back and I can still firmly state: TOBY SUCKS AT PODCASTS. You know what Toby Turner also sucks at? Driving. So I guess he thought he’d combine the two because he probably thinks if you multiply a suck by another suck, it makes a win. I keep telling Toby that’s not how math works and that’s why his taxes are such a mess and he just laughs and laughs until it kinda sounds like screaming. Good times. Of course, Toby can’t drive a car alone (legally… he’s still got a restricted license), so he brings along his childhood friend Nathan. Nathan is a charming fellow who could care less that Toby was asking Siri “how to drive a car” while actually driving a car, because that’s just the kind of guy he is. Or maybe he just has a death wish. RIP in peace, Nathan. Also, because Gryphon told Toby people only watch the podcast on mute, he had to make sure to get a hot chick in the show, so he also interviews Shira Lazar, o