Life's Better Here | Audio Feed




Prayer is a universal activity. Everyone does it. If given the right circumstance even the atheist prays. I want to encourage you to pray, pray often and pray to God, your Heavenly Father. Prayer is your way to connect with the one that made you. It’s your way to hear from the one that created you. God loves you and has your very best in mind. He loves it when you take time to be with Him. He is truly your Heavenly Father in the purest sense of the word. Regardless of the actions of your earthly father, God wants to protect you, provide for you and be a part of your life. There are four aspects to prayer. Using the word ACTS as an acrostic you will be sure to hit all four as you pray. A stands for Adoration. This is your time to tell God how much you love and appreciate Him. C stands for Confession. This gives you the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for anything that you have done that is contrary to His will. T stands for Thanksgiving. It is so powerful when you take time to express your heart of gratit