Life's Better Here | Audio Feed




There isn’t one person that can live and flourish in this life without relationships with another person. Some people try to isolate themselves but the end result is a strange sight. There is a reason that one of the worst prison sentences handed down is solitary confinement. We are made to interact with other people. Some relationships are strictly business. The checker at the grocery store or the gasoline attendant. Other relationships are on a deeper level – those people that you see more regularly and interact with. Then there are others that are considered ‘friends’. These are people that we choose to become closer to. They see our good and our bad. Good friends cover our flaws and love us beyond them. Good friends also see our positive traits and love us for them. Friendships can be painful and full of drama. Don’t give up on friendship just yet. Take a minute and a deep breath. Consider who would be a worthy risk and try again. Be the kind of friend that you desire. Base your actions on what you woul