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SBT024: The Next Big Thing In Matchmaking: Why investors are eager to get behind Mona Akhavi’s brand and blogger matchmaking company SideBuy



"I don’t think anyone knows that their idea is going to be a billion-dollar idea. That success comes with execution, and knowing the right points where you have to pivot, push harder and admit failure." Mona Akhavi on She Built That Mona Akhavi is not your typical 35 year old. An engineer by trade, she has lived and worked all over the world in places like Paris, New York and Toronto working for major organizations such as the Olympics, Walmart, Macy’s and CBC to name a few.  While she had always felt very satisfied with her career and where it had taken her, her father, an entrepreneur and businessman, had always encouraged her to explore the possibility of entrepreneurship. After years in the media buying space and the era of bloggers and social media influencers on the rise, Mona recognized that connecting brands with the right bloggers made sense, but the process was tedious and there was no way for brands to measure their return on investment. So Mona put her innate engineering skills to work and set out