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SBT037: “Start now and give up never!”: Wise words from the relentless Steph Corker!



"Our language creates our reality" Steph Corker on She Built That Steph Corker knows the power of goal-setting, sacrifice and persistence. This past July, having previously competed in 13 Ironman races over the course of almost four years, Steph won first place at Ironman Canada in Whistler and is heading to Kona, Hawaii this October to compete with the best Ironman athletes in the word. #MajorGirlCrush If her athletic achievements aren’t impressive enough, Steph is also the co-founder of the human capital consulting company. The Corker Co is a talent acquisition and acceleration company she started with her brother just over two years ago. It boasts clients like Google, Lululemon and, to name a few. While many entrepreneurs find it hard to do anything else but work on their business, Steph admits to being positively obsessed with endorphins. She carves out a minimum of two hours a day to dedicate to training. “I felt like I was a better version of myself in my work when I was shooting towards a sta