She Built That | Get Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Female Founders Building Their Empires On Their Own Terms!

SBT047: At 26, Kylie Toh is building the coolest girl gang in Western Canada.



Kylie Toh is not your typical 26-year-old. As the founder of Chic Geek, a community she started four years ago for women wanting to explore technology and entrepreneurship, Kylie knows firsthand the importance of being digitally literate, and wants women to have all the advantages within our technology-driven economy. To ensure this, Chic Geek empowers women young and old to expand their digital literacy by facilitating regular workshops, meet-ups and conversations that encourage women to stay curious and get “geeky.” "Being a chic geek is pairing these two words that don’t normally go together. It really is around challenging stereotypes and encouraging women to own being smart, being nerdy and just loving it." As a result of her efforts, Kylie was selected by the U.S. Department of State as part of the International Visitor’s Leadership Program to represent Canada on a tour for Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and was also featured in the November issue of Avenue Magazine’s Top 40 U