On The Road With Etravelogue

Issue 18 Eugene ONeill National Historic Site



How about a little culture this week? Eugene O'Neill is Americas only Nobel Prize winning playwright.Eugene ONeill National Historic Site preserves the home where he lived in California at the climax of his writing career. He and his wife, Carlotta, built and lived at the home in the hills above Danville from 1937 to 1944. It is here that he wrote his final and most memorable plays; "The Iceman Cometh," "Long Day's Journey Into Night," and "A Moon For the Misbegotten."Note that because of its location, reservations are required to visit the site but more on that in the interview.This week's interview: Eugene ONeill National Historic SiteWebsites:http://www.eTravelogue.com/http://www.nps.gov/euonBe sure to stop by our site and suggest attractions that you think we should cover on the program!Listen to this issue