Senior Dad

Senior Dad #062- Yin and Yang of Happiness



I want to be happy. I want my kid to be happy. Sound familiar? Most of us want this but getting there is something else. How do we get our kids to expect to be happy? Christine Carter the author of “Raising Happiness” joins me to chat about how we can promote happiness in our children’s lives and our own.The greater autism community of New York State has been working on a new comprehensive autism insurance bill for two years. They gathered supporters and lobbied legislators. They had victory in sight and it all started unraveling before their eyes to become their worst nightmare. New bill less coverage. Michael Smith, Chairman and Northeast Regional Director of the Foundation for Autism Information and Research, Inc. and author of the discarded bill joins me to explain his view that Autism Speaks hired an insurance company lobbyist to replace his bill with one that is harmful to children and is designed to reduce coverage from today’s unsatisfactory levels. Is there something rotten in New York?Stan shares a