Drive-in Saturdays

20 -- What Ever Happened To The Plant Of Tomorrow?



Join us this week as we pay tribute to legendary horror comics artist Bernie Wrightson with a look at 1957's Curse of Frankenstein and 1982's Swamp Thing.  I did a lot of 'sending Dorian pictures to look at' this episode which is spectacularly bad radio, but here are the pictures so you can follow along-- Lab scene from Wrightson's Frankenstein Clearly Universal Frankenstein-inspired Wrightson creation The Patchwork Man Vlad Dracul's impressive moustache   Menu: Colourful bubbly cocktails Gimicky halloween party food Cajun chicken salad Psychotropic yams   Interstitial Music: David Bowie, Drive In Saturday New York Dolls, Frankenstein Charlie Daniels Band, The Legend of Wooley Swamp Oingo Boingo, Weird Science