Drive-in Saturdays

22 ...I'm completely blanking on a title for this one.



Join us this week for two somewhat incoherent musicals about the 1960s anti-war movement! Ten years ago when it came out someone pitched Julie Taymor's Across the Universe to me as "Like the anti-Hair" so obviously now that I have a podcast about watching two movies, we decided to put that reading to the test. In which Hair manages to be both more and less coherent than its source material; Across The Universe's Jude may be our worst Bad Dude Lead yet; we discuss the relative depoliticization of both films; this whole podcast is Grease's fault; and we imagine the world in which Steve and Prudence are the heroes of their respective films. Menu: - Fancy canapes (ironically) - Strawberries (unironically) Interstitial music: - The title songs from both films. I feel like I don't need to explain that. - Draft Dodger Rag, Phil Ochs