Drive-in Saturdays

34 -- It Came From Beneath The Haunted Sea



We finally return to the creature-feature we promised way back in July, with 1955's It Came From Beneath The Sea and 1961's Creature From The Haunted Sea. Join us for our very first Ray Harryhausen episode; musing on the difference between pacing a film for home vs theatrical viewings; vitally important earrings-related headcanons; ways the theatrical cut of Haunted Sea was even less coherent than the print we watched; an incredible fact about composer Fred Katz; a look behind the curtain at the Roger Corman filmmaking process; and the answer to that all-important question: What happens if we switch the protagonists from our two films?   Menu: - Takoyaki - Lobster - Rice and beans - Mango   Music: David Bowie, Drive In Saturdays The Beatles, Octopus’ Garden Samuel E. Wright, Under the Sea The Who,  Drowning Angela Lansbury, By The Sea The Waterboys, This Is The Sea