Cms Itweekly

CMS itWeekly - #7



Good morning and welcome to IT weekly no. 7. That's right. This is no. 7 IT weekly. My name is Timothy Smith and it is great to have you with us today. Also today is Jay Sandish(?) and here's a good idea a lot of great ideas out there lot of fun. Things we like to share with you and today we're gonna focus on the national education technology plan and the first part of that that's right sorry the first part of that is about learning engagement and empowerment and so we're gonna be talking about how that goes so before we get into that first part we have a bunch(?) of screening for those of it that supposedly they are following us on our podcast(?) vocally(?). The NETP(?) or the National Education Tech Plan is called transforming American Education learning powered by technology. It's that technology is in the Spencer(?) of all we do and it shouldn't be separated or even a separate part. So that's kinda the whole purpose.