Oh No They Didn't!

Alien: Covenant - OH NO THEY DIDN'T



Forces of Geek presents OH NO THEY DIDN'T a podcast about remakes, reboots, and sequels   ALIEN: COVENANT JOIN Todd Sokolove, Archie Cubarrubia, TJ Morales with special guest star Craig Anzalone, as they discuss the chest bursting travesty that is ALIEN: COVENANT.  We discuss its displace in the franchise, and what we think went wrong.   Also, news about upcoming sequels to TOP GUN and MARY POPPINS, as well as information about six new RESIDENT EVIL films nobody asked for.   Be sure to subscribe to the OH NO THEY DIDN'T! podcast on iTunes and/or Google Play.  If you like the show, give us a rating.   Also, we're on TWITTER and FACEBOOK! @ONTDpodcast facebook.com/OhNoPODCAST