Alan Wallace Shamatha Teachings Fall 2010

Session 29: Settling the Mind and Pushing Past the Ceiling on our Shamatha Practice



Alan begins the first session of this week by a useful explanation on the sources of suffering in Modernity and the impediments that arise in our path to bliss, luminosity and non-conceptuality. Modernity seems to be perfect to increase Obsessional-Compulsive-Delusional-Disorder (OCDD), through work, stress, entertainment... In this pathological context, OCDD is taken to be normal. Contemplative traditions (Buddhism has not the monopoly here) come to the scene by claiming: “this might be normal, but this is not healthy”. If the source of suffering is internal (in our own minds), -rather than external (lack of sufficient external stimuli/hedonic pleasure)- then there is no point in “trying to get the world to turn out right”. The hedonic row always ends in a tragedy. Comparatively, the Dharma path is a comedy, because it has a happy ending. Five obscurations can be obstacles in our meditative way to substrate consciousness: 1. Craving to sensual pleasures, 2. Ill will, 3. Laxity and dullness, 4. Excitation, (