Senior Dad Briefing Room

Dale Clayton- LouseBuster



Lice. Even saying the word can make your scalp itch. I can remember that creepy feeling each time we received a note form school informing us that lice have been detected in our school. Check the heads, wash the linens and heads with toxic soaps and think unkind thoughts about the children that brought that unwelcome vermin into our environment. And then do it again 10 days later. Dale Clayton is an entomologist, a professor at the University of Utah, and he tells us new things about lice, and shatters common accepted beliefs about the little pest. Dale teaches us that a new way to treat lice that can come to market in less than a year, with no consumables. A real money saver for schools as children don’t miss school and the per diem funding doesn’t slow down. Dale Clayton, lousebuster.