Before The Abstract

Elspeth Ritchie: Enlisting for Education, Staying for Patriotism



COL (Ret.) Elspeth Cameron Ritchie explains how she enlisted in the armed forces to pay for medical school, but how her mission as an Army psychiatrist transformed her into a true patriot. COL (Ret) Elspeth Cameron Ritchie is a forensic psychiatrist with special expertise in military and veteran’s issues. She was most recently the Chief Clinical Officer, Department of Behavioral Health, for the District of Columbia. An internationally recognized expert, she brings a unique public health approach to the management of disaster and combat mental health issues. Her assignments and other missions have taken her to Korea, Somalia, Iraq, and Cuba. She has over 200 publications, mainly in the areas of forensic, disaster, suicide, ethics, military combat and operational psychiatry, and women’s health issues.