Brave New Words Podcast

Episode 1.14: Rebel Schools with Cogs and Jedi



Ed, Producer Al and Del take a look Gaie Sebold's Sparrow Falling and then end up talking about naughty schools of all different types. We also interview Peter F Hamilton about his new book, A Night Without Stars. The team opens the book box, and quickly discuss The First Heretic by Aaron Dembski-Bown, The Throne of Glass Colouring Book, Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself, Scott Lynch’s The Lies of Locke Lamora, Brandon Sanderson’s The Final Empire and Tom Lloyd’s The Stormcaller, and of course the Hayne's Manual for the Millennium Falcon. All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International. The Bookworm is a Truly Outrageous Production.