Love Or Leave The Law Podcast

#20 Interview with Malcolm Kushner



This episode of Love or Leave the Law is very special: co-hosts Adam Ouellette and Casey Berman will interview Malcolm Kushner, a former BigLaw associate who left the law to found the discipline of “Humor Consulting”. Malcolm is an internationally acclaimed expert on humor and communication. He is a popular speaker at corporate and association meetings, he has entertained and educated thousands of managers, executives and professionals around the world.  He has keynoted everywhere from the Inc. 500 Conference to meetings held by IBM, Aetna, SONY, Bank of America, AT&T, American Bar Association, American Medical Association and U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Kushner is also an award-winning author of more than ten books. These include Public Speaking for Dummies (Wiley Books) and Presentations for Dummies (Wiley Books) which has sold over 100,000 copies. Malcolm discusses how he knew he wanted to leave the law, how stating that he was a lawyer actually helped him transition to his new career, mindse