Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

024 - 4 Steps to successfully outsourcing work without sacrificing quality or your family.



In episode 24, I talk about how to outsource the work you don’t want to do, shouldn’t be doing, and don’t have time for successfully, which not only will help your business grow and thrive, but will give you back the time with your family you’ve been looking for. Test, test, test. Check out all the different freelancing and outsourcing sites to test out how outsourcing works for you and your company. Test both project type and different sites, as well as how you’ll manage the projects. Qualify for ongoing projects. It’s great to find someone you like, but even better if you can find someone reliable who can work with you long-term on bigger projects. Make clear descriptions. Know exactly what you want. If you give unclear instructions on how you’d like a project done, you can’t really expect the outsourced contractor to get it exactly right. Reward contractors you enjoy. By tipping and rewarding great contractors, you will build better relationships and set standards about what you expect from your freelancer